Brilliant Branding & marketing
Putting in the communications work behind the scenes that makes you shine on stage…
We have to get clear on what’s the big deal behind branding & marketing…
First things first for clarity, marketing isn’t branding & branding is not marketing. You cannot run or build your business well without either of them though and they are SEPARATE processes you must use when you’re trying to connect & sell. You have to be consistent but that does not mean it has to be hard OR complicated to execute!
Marketing can be as simple as getting on live videos to debut your new product designs and the stories behind them or as complicated as creating an 8 step funnel for potential clients to go through, so they work with you.
Branding will never be complicated as long as you have a view of who you are & how that affects the way you execute, create and show up as a brand. Stay connected to the ultimate goal you have personally so it permeates what you do professionally. Doesn’t mean that the plan won’t change, it means your goal won’t.